Wednesday, August 20, 2014

DIY Toys

Hi kitty friends!

My humans gave me toys today that they made themselves - they told me that the tutorial was on this website.

Here are some photos of me playing with them:


  1. Those look like some really neat toys.

  2. Wow Felix dat's so cool. Meez Dezi be a cat scout too. Welkum to scouts and da cat blogosphere. It's so nice to meet yous. Yous awe quite a handsum tommyboy. Cant wait to get to know yous. See yous wound da campfire or da quest this weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and sis Lexi

  3. Hi Felix, it's nice to meet you. We hopped over from Raz's blog at Furever Friends. You are a cutie. We can't wait to read more of your adventures.

    **Nosebumpies** from all of us kittehz at Angel Prancer Pie.

  4. Hello Felix we're pleased to meet you - Raz told us you were new and we know what it's like when you first start blogging. We hope you will soon make lots of new friends. If you would like to visit us just come on over.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Hi Feix, It's Mau from Cat Scouts and my seven sisfurs. This is very cool that you have your own blog. We have one too: The Cat on My Head. Make sure that Denmaster gets the link to your blog set up on the sidebar at Cat Scouts. We look forward to following you here. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. Meow Felix, weez twied to find yous follow button but weez don't see one. Did yous turn it on? Weez wuld luv to get yous updates by email. Hope to see yous at da quest this weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Scout Dezi and sis Lexi

  7. Hi Felix !
    Nice to meet you !
    I´m a sacred Birman from Sweden and I´m a Cat Scout too ( a lousy one:).
    Those toy´s looks really FUN to play with :)

  8. Hey, Felix! It's Wally from Cat Scouts. I along with Ernie and Zoey blog as The Island Cats. Those sure look like fun toys.

  9. You get homemade toys??????? PAWSOME!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Homemade toys?!? How cool!! Those look like lots of fun!
    P.S. Felix, this is Sampson from Cat Scouts! Glad I found your blog, thanks to Sammy!

  11. Hi Felix! Nice to meet you! Raz from Cat Scouts said to come visit. I really like your new toys. Wish my Mom had some talent like that!

  12. Wow such cool toys from such cool pawrents
